When should I update my modelling photos?

Now! The start of a new year is a fantastic time to think about refreshing your pictures!

Otherwise, modelling photos should be updated every few months or if there is a change in the way you look or in your body size.

All Models Direct models have an e-portfolio, which is what we at the agency and our clients look at when we are trying to find the right person for each assignment.

Our female and male models are expected to keep these updated themselves and parents of our babies and children are asked to do the same.

Updating e-portfolios and modelling photos regularly is essential for a variety of reasons.

It will help ensure you are put forward for any jobs calling for someone of your description in locations you are happy to travel to.

Agents from Models Direct cannot include models in the shortlists they send their clients if they can see e-portfolios and modelling photos are very old.

This is because we need to be sure we are offering our clients people who meet their exact requirements.

And our clients have to be sure that whoever they are choosing from that shortlist looks exactly like the person they want – and hasn’t lost weight, changed their hair colour or had a prominent piercing since their pictures were taken…

Likewise, we all know how fast children change and grow, so e-portfolio pictures of younger models must also be recent.

So how often should you upload new modelling pictures?

1 If you change your look

We all change our hairstyles every so often and this is exactly when you should get out and about with your camera to take some new shots. If you cut your locks, dye your hair or significantly alter your style in another way, then get snapping!

2 If your body size and shape changes

Children grow taller and adults get heavier and slimmer. Remember, we love to represent models of all heights, shapes and sizes, but we do need to know if yours changes. You need to update the information on your e-portfolio and upload some new pictures so we can see your fabulous new look and put you forward for relevant work.

3 With the seasons

You may well keep the same look and stay the same size for a while – but we still need to know we are seeing recent photos. We therefore advise our models that taking new photographs with the season can be a great approach. This not only shows us how diligent you are about updating your e-portfolio, but also ensures new photos are fresh and bring something different to your e-portfolio.

Whenever and however you take your modelling photographs, try to have fun.

Asking a friend or family member to be your photographer for an hour or two will give you the chance to practise some poses and will be an enjoyable experience to share!