Positive mind and positive vibes. Models Direct look into how you can feel your best now the holiday season is here (…and at any other time of the year too!)
Let’s face it – you deserve to recognise how amazingly well you’ve pulled through the peaks and troughs of life, especially in recent years. It hasn’t always been simple and smooth sailing but you’ve managed to face the storm and land onto an open shore full of hope. In this reading, we thought, wouldn’t it be a great idea to chat about how you can feel your best this holiday season now that life is finally back to normal?
Here comes the sun
With the hot, gorgeous weather is on its way, your summer wardrobe will be coming to the forefront, bursting with colourful statements and sunproof items. You might even be thinking about which corner of the country or world to rediscover or explore, but feeling good on the outside, even if you’re donning the latest fashion, hair and makeup trends, starts with feeling good on the inside.
The magical energy you channel
Every day you channel out energy into the world and receive it back. It impacts your energy stores whilst affecting others around us. For you to sustain positive energy, there are things you can do to help you feel good internally so you can feel your best whatever adventure you embark on or whatever life throws at you. When it comes to modelling, you’ll be displaying your personal best and that vibrant energy will translate on-screen or camera.
Let’s see what you can do to empower, uplift and motivate your feel-good vibes and get you holiday ready.
1. Surround yourself with happy people
If you’re in the company of cynical people that bring you down, maybe it’s time to move into a social circle and surround yourself with positive friends and family. Having positive people that can bring out the best in you, encourage you to learn, grow, and stay motivated will have an influential impact on your life.
2. Cut down on social media
We live in a digital age – fact. There’s no getting away from it but there sure as heck are means of filtering it down, and where does this start from? You! That’s right – you have the power to cut out all the noise and fluff!
If you’re busy scrolling, you’re more than likely wasting precious time. From one feed to another to another, time will whizz past, and not just that. People love to show their best life on social media which can make others feel insecure and unhappy in themselves. Shut it down by cutting it down and only use it when it’s necessary.
3. Be grateful
When you begin to take a closer look at what gifts you have – good health, strong relationships, personal interests, and an enjoyable career, you’ll start to feel positive. Being grateful for the best things around you helps you boost positivity, increases happiness and decreases unwanted feelings like depression.
Appreciating others is also a good way of reconnecting with them and yourself. Saying thank you, offering a greeting or saying something nice can help you show your gratitude, and the best thing is, it’s priceless!
4. The power of positive affirmations
Repeating short phases full of positive vibes daily is a great way of feeling your best. What better way to start your day off than on a high note! Channelling this energy into you will help you feel confident, boost your self-esteem and make you feel happy! Who wouldn’t want that?
Be holiday ready by feeling your best self with these small but impacting tips. Let us know how you get on, we’d love to hear from you!