In a two -year period, we’ve been through- and seen – a lot. Perhaps too much. We’ve dealt with Covid, endured lockdowns, seen energy costs rise at a gobsmacking rate, and seen a Prime Minister come-and-go in 45 days.

Times might be uncertain, but there’s something that won’t change – social media. As ubiquitous as its ever been, there are more and more platforms from which global users can entertain and be entertained, grow their knowledge and access a whole host of news. The topics mentioned in the first paragraph have attracted millions of comments in the UK alone, so social media can be regarded as the preferred mode of news (and – let’s be frank – a little pointless gossip!).
Condemn the power of social media at your peril! Its influence has increased steadily. Analysis shows that nearly 60% of the global population are social media users – that’s a staggering 4.74 billion people, AKA “Twitters”, “YouTubers”, “Instagramers” and, er “Facebookers” (we may have just made up that last word).
Social media works at full throttle when people get involved, with views, re-posts and sharing helping to boost promotion. It’s a bit like advertising – if no one hears of it, it’s largely futile.
We can help models enhance their online social media presence by following them and highlighting news and jobs that models may be interested in. Though we’re a personal agency (you can always take a “virtual tour” of our office in Norwich, social media is a convenient way of discovering new trends and useful insights at the push of a few buttons. Our social media pages are at the bottom of our website, but have a quick glance at our Facebook and Instagram pages here:
Currently, Models Direct has 45,000 Facebook followers and nearly 40,000 followers on Instagram. When you add to that 4,500 followers on Twitter and regular uploads on YouTube, our social media presence is shaping up very nicely. We love it when models add posts to all our platforms because it shows they take an interest in our business and in the industry as a whole, as well as being proactive and keeping abreast of all the latest news, reviews and jobs. Social media really is a hugely potent marketing tool – and you don’t have to be a technical whizz kid to use it!
If you’re dubious about the whole social media thing, here are a few stats that may sway your opinion:
1. Growth in social media users has grown over the past 12 months, with 190 million new users joining social media since this time last year alone. That’s the equivalent to 25 million more than the population of Bangladesh, or 6 new users every second! By the time you’ve read this blog, about 800 new users will have signed up to social media!
2. Regular social media users actively visit seven different social media platforms each month.
3. They also spend about 2 hours per day using social media.
4. Added together, the world spends 10 billion hours each day using social media. Mind boggling!
5. In October 2022, 17 different social media companies had at least 300 million users. The top four were: Facebook (2.9 billion users); YouTube (2.5 billion potential advertising reach); WhatsApp (2 billion monthly users); and Instagram (1.4 billion potential advertising reach).
See, social media is everywhere, and it should be used to your advantage.
Have a look at this link for more helpful info:
Keep updating, and continue to add tags. We post all our jobs on our website as well as social media, so treat it as it should be – an up-to-the-minute tool to access all the latest relevant info on commercial modelling. You’ll be missing out if you don’t!