In today’s technological age, we all have access to a whole lot of material and information right at our very fingertips! Posting, liking, commenting, subscribing, searching, browsing or educating are the many ways we’re utilising our time online.
Social media and online gaming are dominating the scene
Social media and the gaming world have exploded over the past few years with more features and enhancements being dropped in and updated to keep us hooked, and feeling empowered with our latest tech knowledge. Do you know about the power of reels on Instagram? What about the new messaging capability they’ll be focusing on this year? Or one of the world’s most popular online games, Minecraft’s new features coming to a screen near you…
It’s not an uncommon fact that an incredible amount of teens will be interested in these worlds (but that’s not to say adults won’t either for those of you reading this!). The teenage years are certainly looking a lot different to our own but we’re keeping up with the generational changes and interests.
Youth are being drawn to these areas and with these platforms being widely used, other areas of interest can grow. If you’ve got a teen who is confident and enjoys standing in front of a camera – whether that’s vlogging their daily routine or showing how to get Netherite armour – another market they could tap into could be modelling.
Getting them to mix up their skills alongside discovering or creating incredible content. It’s a great way to develop their personalities and skills. If you’ve got a 13 to 18-year-old that you feel could be ready to try out new things and take on the world early then have a chat with Models Direct dream team of modelling experts. We’ll be happy to chat to your star of tomorrow’s marketing campaign too!
Teen modelling on demand
Our agency does reiterate this point many times but there’s a high demand for models all year round. We aren’t like your seasonal company where you don’t hear from us for months and come the holidays (particularly when you want some downtime), boom! We are there, bombarding you with calls and emails.
Models Direct operate usual business working hours and have work that matches this regardless of holidays. Our teen modelling section is no different. It’s treated with high regard as is with other popular divisions.
If your teenager wants to smash Spring ’22 with goals, then go on over to our online application form and start filling in their details. Or better still, touch base with us to get all the lowdown on our teen modelling division! We can’t wait to hear from you!!