When it comes to modelling, Models Direct loves to be different – and loves making a difference!

And so do the many clients we work with up and down the country and even abroad.
The communities we live in here in Britain are rich and varied and at Models Direct we believe advertising, campaigns and promotions should truly reflect that.
This is why we are proud to say we have models of all ethnic backgrounds, heritages, looks, ages, sizes and abilities on our books.
The more varied the models we represent are, then the better the service we are able to offer.
At Models Direct, we work with clients ranging from major global corporations, such as Sky, Disney, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple to smaller, local, boutique businesses.
We send our models along to pose for cameras at shoots for supermarkets, such as Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Morrisons and at high street retail outlets, such as Boots, Next, Holland & Barrett.
We also team up with major fashion and beauty names, including Calvin Klein, Mac Cosmetics and Estée Lauder, as well as food and drink names like McDonald’s, Deliveroo, Walkers and Doritos.

The list just goes on…
Regardless of our backgrounds, ethnicities, heritages, looks, ages and abilities, most of us could well be – or could become – a consumer for all these names at some point in our lives.
And this is exactly why they want people just like us to be the faces of their publicity – why they are keen to employ models of diversity.
If you have ever considered modelling but felt you don’t conform to the stereotypical image of a male or female model, then put your concerns behind you and get in touch with us.

We love to hear from anyone who has a yearning to step out in front of a camera – and the more different they think they are, then the better as far as we are concerned.
Models of diversity are in high demand these days and it is our job to match them with the kind of paid, part-time work they are seeking.
Browse our reviews and read our blogs to see just how diverse and different the many models we represent are.
And let’s celebrate our differences together.