We’re bringing you a handy section within our pages of topical questions and answers and this one’s about male modelling! Let’s take you through four of the most trending questions of 2022!
How do I get into male modelling?
This is a good question and one of our most popular of all when it comes to male modelling (or any division of modelling for that matter!) Every journey has a beginning, and a starting point for a male model can vary in two ways.
One: go solo and seek work by yourself. Two: join a reputable agency who will match you to work.
Both routes depend on you, your circumstances and your vision. If you can make a go of it by yourself, go for it. You’ll be in control of where you navigate your compass as a male model, which projects you put yourself forward for, and which direction you want to head in without anyone doing this for you.
Having an active social presence online can help leverage work but be prepared for a lot of work thereafter. You’ll be networking with other influencers, start-ups, companies and enterprises to see if they have anything current to offer you or in the foreseeable future. Chasing up potential opportunities will be part of the criteria as a go-it-alone model which could either lead to further signposting and opportunities or prove tiresome and eventually lead to dead-ends.
Alongside this, you’ll be building your portfolio on a regular basis with the ability to really explore your individuality and interests. However, doing this by yourself will mean you’ll miss a professional overseeing it for regular review. Therefore, you’ll need to stay on top of updating it without reminders and recommendations. Having said that, if you know you’ve got these areas covered, then you’re good to go, taking control and going solo.
On the other hand, finding a reputable agency to represent you is another avenue. Models Direct will recommend this pathway as we’ve been in the industry for thirty years and even with the evolving forms of communication (social media topping the list), having an agency to support your modelling career is still just as current and important as it previously was. As a male model, we’d offer you opportunities whenever a client calls for your look, and also the chance to seek assignments yourself on our jobs board, which we update daily, so you can be in control. We will review your ePortfolio (your online portfolio set up with our agency), offering support and image update reminders. We will also keep you up to date with the latest modelling news, call you whenever a client is interested in having you onboard, finalising how much you will earn for the assignment, allowing you the choice to go ahead, prepping you beforehand with all the logistics and checking in after the work has been completed.
Who is the most famous male model?
This is a tough one because there’s lots of famous male models scattered across the globe. We’re a fair agency so we won’t be selecting just one here.
Here’s a shortlist of some of the most famous:
Anwar Hadid, Ottawa Kwami, David Gandy, Lucky Blue Smith, Tyson Beckford, Noah Mills, Hu Bing, Alpha Dia, Issac Carew, and Wisdom Kate.
Who is the highest paid male model 2022?
Yes, male models can earn…a lot! Top of the 2022 pack is Sean O’Pry (he starred in Taylor Swift’s vid Blank Space) who earns a skyrocketing $1.5 million (£1305892.50 as of the current conversion rate).
So far, O’Pry has worked with many fashion giants including Versace, Ralph Lauren, and Louis Vuitton.
What is the work of a male model?
Ah, another good question! Male models have movement to not just work in a studio in front a camera but cover other areas such as commercial work (advertising a product or service on TV or radio), promotional work (live action work on the ground with the general public), and even on a catwalk.
That’s our top questions answered by our expert MD team.