For years, commercial modelling has been an extremely viable way of making money for thousands of talented individuals. Gone are the days of paying for pricey portfolio photos that can – and have – been left on the shelf by some agencies. Not all agencies are like this, but there are some unscrupulous ones that are more than happy to take photo fees with no realistic expectations of doing anything with them. It’s one of the reasons why we insist on reading the small print before committing to anything.

A lot of agencies promise the earth, with little or no evidence to back-up their guarantees. Some stress that they do not actively seek work opportunities for their signed-up models. Instead they might charge for receiving photos, and for casting professionals to have access to their roster of photos.
This is not how we work.
As an agency governed by the government, we’ve been adhering to the things that really matter to commercial models, whether aspiring ones or semi / full -professional. Namely:
- We never charge for photos.
- Our application process is quick and simple.
- For models selected to work with us we charge a small fee to cover appearance in our work seeking publication.
- We collect fees from our clients before the modelling assignment. This means we pay all our models within 5 days of completion of their job.
- We never guarantee work for our models, as the final decision is the client’s.
- However, joining a reputable agency like Models Direct is the best way to be offered work as a commercial model. This is not something that’s generally accepted in the business; it’s a fact, because we recommend models directly with big brands around the UK on the lookout for people just like you – talented models with genuine hopes of shining on assignment in front of cameras.

Commercial modelling is all about real talent working with real people to portray real situations. There’s no hint of “high fashion”, and there’s no pretence of catwalks in bustling cities – although we do provide opportunities for our models in just about every corner of the UK, as well as even abroad.
There’s no exact look in commercial modelling. Our clients usually require models to depict their customer base, or to appeal the general population. That means almost anyone can taste success working with professional photographers and casting directors on set. Females or males, petite or “plus size” models, mature or younger models – they are each as valuable as each other, to us and our clients.

Commercial modelling is the definition of “all inclusiveness”. It’s something we’ve been championing for many years. The welcomed shift in social perceptions means there’s even more chances for models to showcase their creative flair, and to impress professionals working on behalf of famous brands. It’s a great time to register with us and for us to have a look at what you’ve got.
If you are sucessful and register with us, you’ll be on the books of the UK’s number 1 modelling employment agency. There’ll be no limit to what you can achieve as a commercial model.