Like the majority of us, models live in hectic times. You don’t have to work on set every day of every week to appreciate that relaxation is essential for a healthy mind. But sometimes it’s difficult to actually find the time for a little bit of R&R. Indeed, it’s easy to forget to put your feet up, to take the load off. Life can be full throttle, but where’s the brake?
Models need to be relaxed ahead of their assignments. They need to be calm and focused on set. We always encourage our models to concentrate on certain qualities that go a long way to ensure they give their very best working with clients, and the art of staying relaxed is an attribute that serves them well.
To make sure you feel at the top of your game during your modelling schedules, we’ve come up with a brief check-list to guarantee total relaxation. With the amount of glowing reviews hundreds of models have shown us, we bet your hard work has paid off and that you deserve some “down time”. Here are some tips to help you unwind.
1. You know those objects with pages that line your shelves? You know – the ones that you gaze at but haven’t yet picked them up? They’re called books and are meant to be read! Reading is one of the best sources of relaxation; try to fit in an hours’ worth of reading every day. Find a room with no distractions and immerse yourself in creative stories or fact-based information. Make it a routine and you’ll thank us for it!
2. Find the time to socialise. Sounds basic, doesn’t it? But how many times have you actually arranged to meet up with friends, even though they live only a couple of miles away? Not many, huh? Sharing thoughts and having laughs with like-minded people will banish any feelings of weariness. It’s good to talk, and even better to do it in a fun environment!
3. Put your walking shoes on. Scientists don’t need to conduct research to tell us that an invigorating daily walk works wonders for the mind and body. Walking works on many levels: you’ll burn off a few calories, it releases “happy chemicals”, and it allows you to immerse yourself in thoughts that sitting at home or walking in an office just doesn’t do.
4. Limit your iPhone usage. Or, simply, turn the device off for a few hours. Do you really need your iPhone by your side 24/7? Of course you don’t! They are undoubtedly invaluable for lots of us, but they can be a distraction for both work and play. Choose a couple of hours daily when you can do without it and banish it to another room…in no time at all you’ll feel refreshed by being released of its technological shackles. The same applies to laptops. Go on – try it…it works!
5. Everyone likes to know they’ve accomplished something, so celebrate any little victories by writing them down. It could be that you’ve finally started your exercise regime or went a whole day without succumbing to sugary foods. Maybe you’ve walked to the shops instead of driving, or simply done something you’ve been putting off for ages. Either way, keep a diary of all the good things you’ve completed and it’ll be a catalyst of achieving even more.
6. Take a warm scented bath and allow yourself a 30 minute siesta. This is a sure-fire way to recharge your batteries during the day. Just think of what you might do in the evening!
Staying relaxed brings new perspectives, allowing you to see things in a different light. After a few days’ R&R maybe you’ll be ready to get to grips with your new pictures on your Models Direct portfolio!