What Kind of Pictures Should I Take?

Ah, this is a pop-u-lar question our modelling team gets asked – quite a lot. It can be a daunting experience not knowing where to start with your ePortfolio pics. This rings true with everything new in life, right? So, we thought we’d lend our lovely models and talent a helping hand with some expert modelling advice straight from our HQ so that you can extract the best out of your portfolio.


You’ve got your ePortfolio details in place and can access this digital space on our MD website. You’ve familiarised yourself with the portfolio landscape and know that you’ve got to get the ball rolling to up your chances of being noticed, put forward for work and hopefully selected (all dependent on what our clients envision in their model.)

But, where to begin? Let’s see what you can do!

1. Demonstrate a wide variety of shots

The first thing we would recommend is to get a mixture of different shots into your ePortfolio to demonstrate your versatility as an upcoming model. The aim is not to bore your viewers but to keep them scrolling for more.

It’s the same as what you’d probably do in your spare time on your device. You might scroll through feeds, YT shorts or videos. Whatever you’re getting up to, it’s the same principle. You’ll only click on links if you’re engaged otherwise you’ll drop out if you’re not.

Have a nice wide range of shots showing your expressions and moods. Smile, laugh, be intense, but most of all, be you!

2. Focus on headshots

Having clear, close-up shots in your ePortfolio is a good start as these are always needed. Stand in well-lit areas, indoors or outdoors, to capture your features with clarity. You can begin with neutral clothing and your background so the emphasis is on you. As time goes on, you can experiment with bolder, contrasting colours in your apparel, and settings and focus on your makeup and grooming practises. You can take your images from different angles and lighting too to add depth and dimension to the overall effect.

3. Full body images

For your viewer to get a holistic perspective of your look, lies in snapping full body images. Your height and physique will be captured from which you can strike modelling poses (check this blog out for ideas). Try different settings to keep it fresh and interesting whilst you enjoy personalising your portfolio.

It takes time and effort to build your ePortfolio. Once it’s live with your collection of new images, trust us when we say, it will be appreciated by our MD team and top-tier clients alike especially when you’ll continue to top it up.

Keep it up to date by encompassing all your changing looks incorporating seasonal themes and maybe celebrations of national days and events important to you. Have fun, and for more ideas, speak to us!