Have you been complimented on your healthy hair, your delicate hands and feet, or even your body?

Or maybe you haven’t. Perhaps you don’t have the most lively hair or slender hands and feet that the beauty industry seeks, or the super slim, thigh gap, no cellulite body. Did you know that nothing is stopping you from becoming a body part model with our UK-leading modelling agency, Models Direct?
We cover this modelling division and believe us when we say that you don’t need to be perfect. Being imperfectly perfect is our thing and we’ve been exploring this for over thirty years with our everyday models across the UK.
Models Direct embraces everyone and aims to give everyone the chance to be a model. This doesn’t mean just being a one-hit wonder though. We’re talking about modelling assignments coming your way whenever a client needs you.
So, you’re interested in exploring the world of body part modelling? What can you do to take care of the body parts that you’re interested in putting forward for modelling?

Well, it might be a bit expensive to insure them like celebs do! Many famous faces have insured one or multiple body parts in case of an unlikely injury occurring. And it’s a mega-money business. We’re talking about celebrities such as Julia Roberts ensuring her trademark smile for $30 million (approx. £24 million). David Beckham insuring his legs for $140 million (approx. £111 million), and Taylor Swift’s legs bagging a whopping $40 million (approx. £32 million)! Imagine these guys being out of work due to an unforeseen circumstance involving their body parts and how much they could get covered in that time.
For everyday people, it might not be quite the same scenario as it is with celebs but this doesn’t mean you can’t earn money from your best assets via modelling. We also mention that your body parts don’t have to be flawless either.
Advertising and marketing can encompass anything and everything. The sky is the limit as it’s all down to a brand or company’s vision and what story they want to sell to help spark conversation, increase brand awareness and generate sales.
So if this means requesting a foot model with a verruca to sell a verruca busting medication or a hand model with dry skin so that the latest hand cream can be advertised then these characteristics may work in a body part model’s favour! Clients may want other types of features to suit their marketing needs which makes the possibilities endless.
Are you interested? Get in touch with our specialist team today to learn more about this modelling division. We’re looking forward to seeing you!