Spring has sprung!
Whether you are a model, aspiring model or someone who simply enjoys reading our blog, it’s probably a good moment to consider decluttering and refocusing.
Let’s put the winter blues behind us and make sure we are ready to enjoy the lighter months and a brighter future.
Here is a spring checklist from Models Direct for anyone who needs a little inspiration or help to get them started:
1. Declutter your spaces
Yes, it’s probably an obvious place to start, but actually physically decluttering your personal spaces – your bedroom, your home and your workspace can have a profound effect. Tidy space = tidy mind. Get rid of anything that has not been used for the past year or two, giving usable items to charity shops and other worthy causes. Recycle piles of waste paper. Destroy important documents you no longer need to keep a record of and make sure drawers, wardrobes, desks and table tops are clean and clear, ready for a new start.
2. Spring clean
Now you have cleared, it is time to start cleaning! This is a once a year chore, but it will really pay dividends in terms of your wellbeing. Carry out a deep clean of your personal spaces by getting into the nooks, crannies and corners your normal regular clean fails to reach. Pull out large pieces of furniture, lift up ornaments and dust along the tops of hard-to-reach book shelves. Again, this will help to give you that clean slate you are looking for.
3. Think about your work life
Now start to consider you work life – or the path you are hoping to follow once you have finished school, studying or training. Decide whether you are happy on the path you are currently on or are working towards and, if not, think about what changes you could make to ensure things become better or easier. Is there some training you could ask for? Is there some work experience you could build up by volunteering in your spare time? Should you be brave and start to put yourself forward for things you’ve never tried before. Sometimes, great rewards can be reaped by stepping out of your comfort zone from time to time….
4. Consider your leisure time
Decide whether you are happy in how you spend your spare time. And, if not, what could you do to improve it? Should you consider taking up some exercise – perhaps joining a club, classes or gym? These can be good for the spirit as well as the body. Are you seeing enough of your friends and family. Sometimes, you have to sit down with your diary and make calls and send messages to make a few dates – otherwise the weeks can drift by and you’ve missed out on socialising. Is there something new you’d like to try – perhaps you have considered modelling, for example. Think about whether now is a good time to have a go at something different to spice up your spare time.
5. Think about your happiness
This stage is the most important of all. Take a step back from everything in your life and really consider just how happy you are. Is your relationship right, are you gaining what you need from your friendships and are you living and working where you want to be? It is never a good idea to make snap decisions, but taking out a pen and paper, and writing down a few thoughts can help you to organise your mind and help you decide what you really want from your life.