Models Direct always aim to keep you in the loop on all the latest news. Whether you’re a budding or busy model, we want to deliver fresh and seriously interesting content because, well, we want you to know what’s happening in our industry!
Right now, you’re reading this and thinking, well, there are other modelling agencies out there, and you’re right – there are. But Models Direct are different. We embrace size, age, style, culture, and race. This is what sets us apart from everyone else and with that, we deliver all the info we want our models to know about so that they have a successful and memorable career with us. One area we regularly navigate towards is, keeping your ePortfolio looking its best – refresh and recharge yours to make you stand out from the crowd.
Kick-off with an awesome ePortfolio
It’s essential to get a rocking portfolio up and running for your modelling career as soon as you can if you haven’t got one already on our platform. Before you start, you’ll probably brainstorm all the interesting ways you’ll present your images for the benefit of our agency and clients. Next, you’ll be striking that pose, keeping yourself up to date with the latest fashion and beauty trends and curating amazing backdrops so that you can create images that represent you and your unique look.
Bring on summer!
Now that the weather is heating up, the sun is out for longer, we’re set to enjoy a busy season for modelling shoots, and this is where your portfolio will come in. We don’t want you to miss out on any opportunities and potential for you to be noticed which is why we’re gently reminding all our lovely models to ensure your portfolio is current to your look right now and displays a range of looks that you can translate. If this is the first time you’re reading about this topic, your portfolio is your modelling CV, and like a conventional CV, it needs regular maintenance and attention.
If you’re finding it challenging to keep on top of this because let’s face it, life is busy and time whizzes past super quick, here are some tips from our Models Direct team to help:
· Take regular snaps. Sometimes the spur of the moment, natural-looking images are the best to place into your ePortfolio as opposed to those that look too forced and unrealistic.
· Schedule a time every fortnight to check in on your images. This might be on a day off or a lunch break; squeeze some time in to recheck what’s on your picture storyline.
· Have a friend or family member review your portfolio. Sometimes it helps to have someone overlook your images who can offer you impartial advice and suggestions.
And that’s it! Keep your camera rolling, stay upbeat with the great weather set to stay in place for the months ahead and keep that ePortfolio busy, current and mirroring with the latest styles and trends. We can’t wait to see what you have to present! Until then, we’ll wait patiently and anticipate amazing material that’s going to keep us and our clients hooked!