This year models should be thinking how they can be put forward for work – or even more work, if they’ve already experienced the delights of working with us and our clients.
It’s not a clear-cut formula, as it’s always been our clients who select the models they want. However, there are certain pointers to be aware of to greatly increase the chances of making it from registration to paid work.
It’s not enough to join any reputable agency and assume that work will land in your lap. If that was the case, agencies wouldn’t need a team of professional agents working closely with both models and brands. Models need to put in a bit of effort and take an interest in the booking process and the industry as a whole to help themselves achieve great things.

Models who sign up with us can rest assured we have the largest number of clients in the UK – thousands, in fact. Therefore it’s not surprising that we receive hundreds of requests for models. The burning question is: how can models accentuate their talents to those that matter, and stand out from the rest of the pack?
Here’s our checklist to give you the very best chance of being chosen to work with high-profile brands.
- Keep up to speed with trends, industry and brands. With the amount of information available nowadays at the touch of a few buttons, it’s easy to be informed about current news. Knowledge is power.
- Take advantage of social media. Use your favourite platforms to upload and share new looks. Reels are an effective tool to get noticed, so don’t ignore them on your portfolio.
- Which leads us to the most important point for models: keeping your e-portfolios up-to-date. Clients can’t be expected to choose a model if their real looks and styles aren’t depicted in their portfolios. Clients look at them before making that all important final decision, so models have no excuses for making sure clients have accurate images and current information. This is worth emphasising on a regular basis, which is why we do just that!

- Read our advice, FAQs and tips. We like to keep our models informed of the booking process, and which pitfalls to avoid. Read our advice here to make sure you’re in the know.
- Don’t give up. Persistence plays a large part in getting noticed. Though it’s not uncommon for first-time models to be put forward by us and be chosen by clients after just a few days / weeks, some models enjoy success after months. It’s a competitive industry, so it’s even more of a reason to study the trends and keep us informed of new looks via portfolios.
- Be realistic. Any thinking they’ll be using their talents soon after registering with us isn’t being true to themselves. Yes, you’ll be in the best position to be offered work, but that won’t always happen overnight or by sheer luck.
And remember – we’re always available to our models, so if you have any questions or would like to know the progress of any applications, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.