A huge plus when registering with us is that there are opportunities for all age groups. Becoming a model in your 20s is met with a mix of emotions: pride and excitement for sure… and a little trepidation.
“Twenty-somethings” are adults – and they should be treated as such – but they may have a raw naivety that makes them fearlessly ambitious. Young adults are extremely sought-after by our clients because there are so many products and campaigns that are aimed at this age bracket. This is another big plus, and the chances of being seen by brands increases significantly when a model registers with a reputable modelling agency.
There are approximately 8 million individuals in the UK aged between 20-29; it’s quite a large section of our population. However, not all brands choose specific age groups to appeal directly to their similar aged peers. Young adults may be chosen as part of a group booking, such as family modelling. They are often required to model with younger models and mature models to create a realistic campaign.
A great example is a recent booking we are especially proud of. Beer giants Greene King asked for a whopping 80 young models to portray pub scenes watching Premiership football matches (the perfect modelling assignment for a lot of you!) The photo shoot took place in Manchester, an undoubtedly famous footballing location, even if you don’t support either the blue or red side of the city. Putting forward such a large number of models wasn’t an easy task; however Greene King knew we had the capacity to fulfil this monster booking. Football is followed by thousands of millions of sports-lovers, but they wanted the majority of the models to be in their twenties. Logistically it was an immense task. But did it go according to plan? You bet it did – read more here for more information and a collection of excellent reviews.
On the other hand, some of our clients do ask us to recommend models of a specific age to engage with a corresponding audience. For the 20-29 year old audience, we’ve placed numerous talented models with universities, youth charities and high street fashion retailers. We wouldn’t be where we are today without the backing and demand from our clients. They value our reputation, and we back ourselves to carry out every booking request we receive.
Most of our requests come with an age requirement. “General” adult models can be from 18-40 years of age, which fits twenty-something models perfectly. A more niche request can be for a narrower age range. It’s our job to put forward the right models for each request we receive from a client. That’s why keeping your portfolio up-to-date is vital: clients need to see your look as it is, not how it was.
It’s always been a good time to become a model in your 20s. We haven’t experienced any slumps in demand, so we expect the popularity for twenty-something models to be on the rise.
It really is a good time to be young, isn’t it?