It’s a fair question to ask. Whether you’ve got a beautiful bambino in your arms, busy teens revising for assessments with no time to talk, family and friends who express a desire to do something out-of-the-box (but uncertain about what to do) or a senior wishing to acquire new skills in their later years, then you’ll be thinking how do model bookings even happen?

For starters, becoming a model will need to be on the horizon. If it is, we’re good to go with this!
Our Models Direct will unveil all in this latest blog. Grab a bubble tea or cuppa – whichever takes your fancy – as we dive into answering this common question. Let’s go!
Agencies, agencies, calling all agencies
Not any odd agency your Google search finds, mind you! If you want a fair representation with a legitimate agency that will connect you with reputable clients, then you’re going to need to do your research! Or, you’ve got one right here as you’re reading this page.
Models Direct is reputable. We’re government-regulated. We’re fully vetted. We have lots happening on our digital platforms. Every day! You can contact us and speak to a human, not a bot with automated responses. We have testimonials from our models and clients. Sounds good?
Once you’re up and running…

As a model on your selected agency’s books, they’ll start the model-matching process as soon as a client comes in with a brief looking for someone like you! The agency’s job: work hard and make opportunities happen for models and clients.
With Models Direct (MD), this is what you’ll get. It’s a guarantee. How can we be so sure? Take a look at our clients and booking blogs to see who we’ve worked with and which of our lovely models made it for the timed campaigns.
Directly apply for work
Does your agency allow you to take the reigns and put in an application for modelling assignments? MD does! We provide a dedicated space for models to apply directly for job posts which is another avenue for bookings to occur – wonder why we’re called Models Direct. This is one of them!
It’s negotiation time
We then step in to negotiate the terms of the booking which includes the model’s fee, the terms and conditions and a detailed brief on what the job entails. Happy to go ahead?
It’s all then signed, sealed and delivered as an official model booking ready to take the lead and land in our assignments’ timeline.
Good luck if you’ve been chosen as a baby model, male model, female model, family models, senior or pet model! We’re rooting for you!