Lots of companies take great pride in telling customers how much experience they have. They like to tell people how well their business is going, and how they’ll grow in…
Boost your confidence and gain valuable experience by giving modelling a go!
When we at Models Direct look back at the deluge of feedback we receive from our models after their assignments we can see just how much they gain from the…
How do I get into modelling?
The road to finally becoming a model can seem long and arduous. We’re sure that some models have taken unsolicited photos and submitted them directly to agencies. The models will…
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We’ll kick off this blog with a few stats: 92% of mobile phone users in the UK own a Smartphone. This was revealed in October 2023, so the percentage may…
Modelling for big brands – what to expect…
Big brands, big promotions, exciting modelling assignments! At Models Direct many of our clients are big name brands that almost all of us would recognise. Some of these are huge…