If only we could.
We have placed thousands of wonderful models with various jobs throughout the country, and we’re expecting to secure many more top-quality assignments in the future.
Before answering the title question, we must reiterate our simple booking process – that is, how models get the bookings we have on offer.
Models who register with us have an online ePortfolio. Clients approach us with their modelling job briefs, and then we put forward a selection of our best-suited models. The client then chooses which models they’d like to work on the booking, and we arrange everything at our end. It’s a successful formula and we’ll continue to adopt it.
The crucial part we must remind all our models is that all our clients decide which models secure the jobs. As the UK’s no.1 modelling agency, we’re experts at recommending the best models to our clients, but we do not have the final choice. Models on our books are still in the best place to find work, but we can never guarantee work – nor have we ever done. It’d be false to suggest that we do, and we do not mislead models or clients.
Therefore, the three main reasons why we (or any other reputable agency) can’t guarantee work to our models are as follows:

- There are more models available than jobs. This may be disappointing news for some models, but it’s the cold reality of the industry. We always need models to register with us, as our clients like to see a rich variety of talent – but that doesn’t mean that every model will get the chance to use their talents working with them.
- As it’s the client’s final decision, the choice of models who are successful is largely out of our hands.
- Modelling is extremely competitive. For many it’s a dream job, and it should be. But success isn’t instant, and it’s not certain. Being registered with an agency remains the best chance for models to be seen by the clients, but models need to manage their expectations.
Models need to stay realistic. Though we have placed numerous models with notable brands after only being on our books for a few weeks, many will see results after a longer time. Some do get chosen after only a few days, so it can happen, but these cases are in the minority.
- Fashion Modelling with Models Direct
- Our plus-size model Neri found her Ideal World in Peterborough!
- Soulmates on Set
- An egg-stremely tasty start to promotional modelling in Lincoln
- Why can’t an agency guarantee modelling work?
Our team always state that instant success isn’t guaranteed. We continuously stress the importance of models helping themselves by making sure they:
- Regularly keep their eportfolios updated with current photos. If you haven’t made the effort to show us your efforts, you can’t expect our clients to choose you.
- Keep switched on and follow any industry news.
- Be active on social media, and don’t be afraid to demonstrate your looks and skills to a wider audience – be it models, singers, actors or any other entertainers.
Since we started in 1990, Models Direct has been a regulated employment agency. We’re proud to say that we’ve had many visits from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, who regulate the modelling industry. Models need to know that, whilst all our operations are in tact and very successful, no agency in the country can absolutely guarantee work to our models.
Keep the faith, keep delving into your portfolios, and we’ll always do our best to place the right talent with the right jobs.