Whether you are looking for modelling or acting work, the importance of showcasing yourself at your very best through your portfolio cannot be under-estimated.
Those keen to take part in video, film and television assignments should consider putting together a showreel as part of their e-portfolio.
Viewed by casting directors, agents and others involved in film projects, showreels can make all the difference when it comes to selecting the right person for a particular job.
But, as with taking and uploading the right kind of still photographs for your portfolio, there are some important dos and don’ts when it comes to making a showreel.
Here are the top tips from Models Direct for making a showreel before uploading it on to your e-portfolio for review by your agent:
1. Your showreel does not have to be professionally made
Some people may want to use a professional film or editing company but given you are likely to be updating your showreel regularly, this is something you may want to learn how to do yourself. Basic editing software such as iMovie or Windows Movie Maker are fine to use. Remember, it is you the directors are looking at, not your editing skills!
2. Showcase your best work
Casting directors don’t want to see every single piece of footage you have ever appeared in. Choose only short sections of your very best work – work that also reflects the kinds of assignments you would like to be called for.
3. Put your best work first
It is vital that the start of your showreel packs a real punch to the viewer keeps watching it – so always put your best work first, then your most recent. Try to end your showreel on a power note too.
4. Think carefully about what to include
Choose short scenes that reveal the diversity of what you can do and the roles you can take on. If you have a good selection of different clips, then keep it varied.
5. Keep it short
Ensure the whole showreel is short in length and tight in its content. The clips you include should not run on too long. Overall, make sure your showreel is not much more than three minutes in length and that each excerpt included is no longer than one minute.
6. Quality is vital
Make sure the showreel is clear and of a high quality. The picture should be sharp and the sound good. No director wants to view blurred images or listen to a muffled soundtrack. You won’t be showcasing yourself at your best if your showreel lets you down.
7. Reveal who you are
Try to show the director who you are as well as what you can do. If possible, reveal your personality a little through some of the clips. If you have any special or hidden talents and can include a clip or two of you showcasing those too, then do.
8. Keep your showreel up to date
Make sure you ask for copies of any filming you take part in and that you know when you are going to be on TV if you are involved in something that is to be screened at a certain time. As you gather your material and complete assignments, you can re-edit your showreel to keep it fresh and relevant.