Preparing For a Booking

Whether this is your first, tenth or twentieth booking, we’ll walk you through some points right here to make it a good one!

Enter the experience with a positive mindset
First off, start your new experience on a good note. How you feel inside will reflect on the outside – you’ll uplift your mood, attitude and perspective positively and it’ll show! Negative thoughts always have a sneaky way of managing to grip us at the best of times. Our tip: Beat those thoughts by revisiting an optimistic time in your life to boost that much-needed positivity before you begin a booking. This can be challenging but it’s doable. If you cannot think of anything, start by brainstorming events. Which one sticks out by being the most positively memorable? Which one leaves you feeling a strong sense of achievement? Get your thinking caps on, folks – write it down, say it out loud and repeat it so you strengthen the memory.

Get familiar with your schedule
A reputable modelling agency like Models Direct will provide you with a comprehensive schedule – everything you need to know about your upcoming booking. Familiarise yourself thoroughly with the company you’re going to work with and all the logistics revolving around the assignment – day, time, location, nature of the booking, hair, makeup, clothing expectations and so on. The more you know beforehand, the better, as you’ll have time to prepare mentally.

Always, always ask for help
Sometimes we can find that we shy away from establishing and decyphering information. We assume that others expect us to automatically know, but this shouldn’t be the case. No one knows everything, and reaching out is the beginning of learning new things. Got any burning questions? Your agency is only a call or email away, so be sure to ask anything you’re unsure of or if you need a quick chat.

Read other success stories and connect with fellow models
It’s a great idea to reach out to other models whether they’re connected to your agency or elsewhere. Learning from their modelling experience can provide you with first-hand knowledge of those who have walked a similar path to yours. Models Direct love connecting clients with models but this doesn’t stop here. We go beyond the norm and move with revolutions in our society. Models Direct provide our social platforms for the benefit of transparent communication between our amazing models too. This way our models have the opportunity to liaise with others for further advice and support too.

We hope that you find these simple tips valuable and helpful when it comes to preparing for a booking. And if you want to see the flipside, from a client’s perspective, you can do so right here. Don’t forget to enjoy your journey and share an Instagram reel with our audience too!