You know that feeling when you’re heading out the door ahead of a busy and productive day at work, and you get a horrible feeling that you’ve forgotten something? Phone? Check. Wallet? Got it! Have you even dressed accordingly? Of course you have! Have you eaten, or thought about food? Ah! Too late now…you’ll just have to grab something on the go.

Unless you’re used to a plush office where food is readily available, thinking about the right food to consume at the right time can sometimes feel like a chore – an unimportant facet of our busy lives. However, the good news for models is that hearty sustenance is often provided by our clients on set if the job is an all-day assignment. As part of a model’s prep, it’s always a good idea to double-check if food is likely to be provided, and one of the best ways to do this is simply contacting us. After all, we know all about our clients and it’s one of our responsibilities to make sure all our models are comfortable whilst working. Here’s more info about how we operate.
Back to the food. Even if you’re not a “breakfast person”, it’s sensible to at least eat something in the morning. Whilst some of you can’t stomach breakfast, the first meal could influence how your day pans out. Stick to a light brekkie, and don’t skip lunch. If you’re a fan of “the most important meal of the day”, opt for food options that provide a slow, constant energy release, like porridge with fresh fruits (blueberries, raspberries etc – lovely!), or wholemeal bread with peanut butter.
When you’re on a modelling set, try to avoid short-term sugar fixes, like crisps, biscuits or chocolate. Sure, they taste delicious, but you’ll experience an energy slump once your body craves something more substantial. Bananas are ideal, as they provide crucial energy levels – plus, there is no wasteful packaging!
If you’re out and about, don’t simply grab the nearest food option; put a little thought into it! Avoid too many sugary “energy” drinks, and never skimp on water!
Keeping hydrated and topped up with reviving vitamins goes a long way to keep models just like you alert and full of beans. Whilst all models can’t be as fortunate as Sarah and Jay on their recent assignment with Deluxe Catering – read about their experience here – food is often available so you might not have to remember to keep the hunger pangs at bay.
Healthy nutrition is essential for all our bodily functions – not least our skin when looking fab in front on the cameras. Read more about our top skin tips
Specifically highlighting an individual model’s foodie experience, here is Katherine’s feedback from her assignment:
“On the day of arriving on time, I was greeted with several other models, whom were all very friendly and chatty; I can’t honestly say there were any issues regarding the group of us. It was a hardworking day but to add to that also a great deal of fun. The location was fab, too were the staff. When we were waiting to be on shoot we were all sharing our previous experiences or what each would like to follow to work on next. Plus – at our dinner break we all sat down and had a pub lunch, where there was a great atmosphere from beginning to end.”
We hope the pub lunch consisted of wholesome solids, Katherine – not just the odd tipple!
Never underestimate the value of healthy food when working as models. Keep to a winning formula and you won’t go far wrong!
Here’s more modelling tips from Yours Truly
Eat well, eat healthily, and keep modelling!