The colder weather is just around the corner, but instead of hiding away until the spring, why not get out there and make the most of it?
Winter can be a magical time for taking pictures of your little ones and therefore an ideal season for snapping some new baby, toddler and child modelling shots.
Models Direct always encourages its mums and dads to keep on top of the e-portfolios they manage for their tiny tots.
This is because their little cuties grow up so fast and their looks can change from one month to the next.
When our clients request children, including babies, of certain ages and appearances, we show them the e-portfolio photos of a selection of those who best meet requirements.
If they then select your bundle of joy, and he or she arrives with you at the assignment looking different to the photos viewed, you can imagine just how annoyed they might be.
We also cannot emphasise enough just how important it is that you have interesting, seasonal and fresh photos of your baby up there in the e-portfolio, which is why now is a great time to take a new batch.
The winter light has a unique quality and can really help you to create some beautiful and evocative shots of your cheeky chap or giggling girl.
Crisp blue skies, bare branches and the frosty ground can combine to make exceptional backdrops to smiling little ones, dressed in their colourful, winter outfits, who are clearly having fun.
Wrap them up warmly against the weather and don’t leave them hanging around for too long while you scroll through the images – you can always do this later at home.
Depending on where you live, you might also have the opportunity of enjoying a photo session against the winter wonderland of a snowy backdrop too.
This can really help you ensure this season’s set of modelling pictures comes alive!
So as soon as those snowflakes start to settle, grab the wellies, mittens and bobble hats, and get out there as quickly as you can.
It doesn’t always last long but if you can make the most of it while it’s here, then you should be able to achieve a very special set of photos.