Valentine’s Day is right up there with Christmas Day, Easter and Halloween in terms of status. Any calendar will have the 14th February circled in red, possibly with a scribbled heart around the date.

A true romantic may scoff at the thought of a designated day to declare their love. For doting couples, every day should be special. Sometimes, though, we’re just too busy to focus on the people we love. Chaotic social lives and work routines often mask our true feelings; a day of relaxation with our loved ones can seem like a rare pleasure we’re all too unfamiliar with.
So, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to release the shackles of a busy month and concentrate on partners and other important people in our lives. The lead-up to the romantic day has become more commercial each year, with retailers piling their shelves high with chocolates, niche gifts and cuddly toys. The British Florist Association revealed that many rose growers saw an increase in 15% sales just in the Valentine period. Bearing in mind that rose purchases tend to be one or two days before the 14th February, or on the day itself, that’s a monumental increase in such a short timeframe.
We’re a romantic nation at heart. This is the essence of Valentine’s Day. With demand comes consumerism, so brands and companies are always looking at new ways to embrace the 14th February, appealing to millions of people struck by Cupid’s golden arrows.

This is positive news for everyone, including our commercial models. We work with plenty of brands who need models around the time of year when everyone is looking for the best gifts and deals for their partners. It doesn’t just have to be specific presents, either. For example, we recently collaborated with Pizza Express and online delivery company Just Eat to recommend the perfect model, Simon, to tell the nation about their Valentine’s promotion featuring heart-shaped dough balls. Readers can discover more here.
We also work with one several long-term clients when love is in the air. Take supermarket giants Morrisons, for instance. They approached us with their brief, looking for a couple who’d gel on set and act as a starry-eyed couple to help advertise their Valentine’s campaign. Morrisons chose Lydia and Tyler, who excelled so much in front of the camera viewers could be forgiven for thinking they were a couple in real-life. It’s always rewarding when to strangers come together to pull off the perfect advertising campaign, and Morrisons themselves were ecstatic with the successful shoot. More details of Morrisons’s Valentine’s campaign can be found here.

You don’t have to be totally on-board with Valentine’s Day to appreciate the value it has on many businesses. Even if you’re not the most romantic of folks, it’s hard not to embrace Valentine’s Day.
We specialise in supplying our clients the right models for their needs. If you want to become a Models Direct model, fill in our straightforward online registration form and we’ll see what you can offer!