Well the good weather is finally starting to arrive and what better time could there be to put a spring in your step and take some gorgeous new seasonal snaps?…
Setting the scene – three ideas for staging your modelling pics
There are many keys to making it in the modelling world and one vital step is to get yourself noticed. But how do you make yourself stand out as a…
Stay at Home Looks: Comfy Clothes Perfect for Indoors
Now that you’re staying indoors and keeping safe, you might be thinking about which clothing would be perfect to relax in and make you really feel like you’re right at…
Models Direct offers equal opportunites
With the competitiveness of modelling world today many disabled models may be overlooked but at Models Direct, our policy is to offer all our models the same opportunities whether disabled or able…
Top tips to achieve the ideal snap shots!
The talent industry can be a confusing and daunting world for an aspiring model/actor/singer, so how do you get an agent to notice you?? The most important factor is self…