It’s not often that our models accept an assignment and are given the opportunity to attend a gig too – but that’s exactly what happened to female model Maggie. Maggie…
Couples, We Need You!
Our modelling agency, Models Direct, holds the key to unlocking vast opportunities for models, and clients looking to hire them. Our platform is not just limited to individuals seeking a…
Everyday models we need you!
It is time for a reality check! Did you know the vast majority of models are ordinary people just like you and me? They are people like our children, our…
September Sun – Making the Most of this Month’s Beautiful Light
Even though it’s the final quarter of the year, September is the beginning of many other things. It’s a kickstart for many educational settings, particularly primary, secondary and sixth forms. Child and teen…
Working with other models who you haven’t met before
“Strangers are friends you haven’t yet met.” This famous quote by Yeats is never truer than in modelling. It’s no surprise that the sheer number of our world-class clients means…