Is your bundle of joy just too beautiful for words?
Then perhaps you have considered putting your gorgeous girl or bonny boy forward for baby modelling.

If so, here is our guide to what to expect and how to prepare….
1. Baby models are always in high demand and there is no reason why that little cutie smiling out at us from a promotion or advertisement could not be yours! The first thing you have to ask yourself, however, is whether this is something you think you would enjoy being involved with yourself.
2. Next, you need to do your research. Find out more from other parents about what baby modelling involves and what they enjoyed or found challenging about the experience. Read about the assignments they have taken their tiny tots along to and again ask yourself if this is something you think you and your bouncing boy or girl could undertake.
3. If you do decide to go ahead, find a reputable, genuine, fully certified agency, such as Models Direct, and then apply. Be very wary of individuals and companies out there calling themselves agencies when in fact they are not – they may well not be strictly regulated as we are.
4. Take some gorgeous pictures of your little cutie. Follow our top tips and advice on taking the best baby shots and presenting your bundle of joy as we need to see them. This is not just about showing them off in their best light, but also about taking the pictures and sending them to us in the right format.

5. We will then put your little one forward for any baby modelling assignments we think he or she might be suitable for. The client then makes the final choice and we will come back to you if your tiny tot is selected.
6. We never put anyone under any pressure to accept a booking. We explain what the job is, where it will be and what will be required. We also tell you how much you will be paid. You can then decide whether or not to accept it.

7. If you do accept it, you will be given one main point of contact at Models Direct and this highly trusted employee will keep you updated with any additional information and be available on the end of the phone if you have any questions. All our clients are checked out by us and we investigate each and every assignment to ensure you and your baby will be well looked after by the crew involved on the day.
8. We will tell you whether there is anything special the client would like you to bring along, and we always suggest planning the outing very carefully. Make sure you have whatever your baby likes to eat and drink with you in abundance, together with everything you need for changing nappies. Bring along a few spare sets of clothes, blankets and bedding in case they need to nap, and a few of their favourite toys and books to keep them occupied while they are waiting around.

9. We all understand that babies have their off days but if you do your best to ensure they arrive well fed and well rested then there is a greater chance they won’t be grisly. The crew will need you to be on hand to make your baby smile and gurgle from time to time as they are shooting.
10. Finally, don’t forget about yourself! Baby modelling is busy for mums and dads as well as little ones. Try to make sure you are well rested and well fed too! Bring along water and snacks for yourself, make sure you have a good grasp of where the photo shoot or filming will take place and that you understand all the arrival arrangements. That way you won’t feel flustered but will be calm and ready for a fun day with your little one – and you will be able to savour the experience and enjoy every moment!